Starting young

Note to text based users: I don't have ALT text on these images because it really woulden't add anything the text dosen't already tell. Instead I've linked each image to itself so you can easily download them if you'd like to see me on motorcycles as a baby. Me on a bike at 6mos.

Ok, so I may not be able to reach the handlebars but it's not hat bad for a 6 month old! And to think, 20 years later she'd try and talk me out of buying a motorcycle of my own :)
Me again

Only 6 months old and already trying some stunt riding! I told you it must be in my blood.
My first ride!

Finally I can reach the handlebars! But why don't they do anything when I turn them? In case you're wondering the photo was taken at Cedar Point one of my favorite theme parks.
The blood

So if it really is in my blood here's the reason why. My dad's first bike was a little 2 cylinder 2 stroke which he had to completely restore. The paint job was his own and I guess it got him a lot of stares and compliments. Unfortunatly shortly after these pictures were taken he had to get rid of the bike and didn't get a new one untill the summer of 1996 when I brought my bike home from school. The kids simply can NOT have nicer toys than the parents :)

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Jason Hitesman
All text, images, ideas, and whatknot © 1996 Jason Hitesman